Del. Price's Statement on Newport News Local Elections - Update
April 28, 2020
Delegate Price's Statement Regarding the 2020 Local Elections in Newport News
At tonight's Newport News City Council meeting, Mayor McKinley Price discussed that under consultation of the City Attorney, he would not make the motion to move the local election to June 2nd only because of the requirement for the election machines and ballots to be locked down for 30 days. If the election were to be moved back to June 2nd, that required 30 day period would overlap with the Republican Primary being held in Newport News on June 23rd. I respect and honor his decision. I thank him and the Council for discussing it and taking time for consideration. Further, I thank them for the commitment to encouraging all voters to use Absentee by mail voting AND making provisions to keep voters safe should they show up on ELECTION DAY ON MAY 19TH.
But here's a major takeaway: If my suggestion of June 2nd was too close to June 23rd because of this provision, then June 19th WAS NEVER A LEGAL OPTION. The Senate of VA rejected the Governor's recommendation to move the elections to November, who despite objections from candidates and incumbents, was the safest choice for voters during an international pandemic. They did this based on an argument for a plan that could never have happened. Read more from the Daily Press editorial from this week.
But now, our focus must be on making sure that ALL voters are safe AND have the chance to exercise their right to be a part of the democratic process. Again, the local elections are on May 19th and the last day to request a absentee ballot by mail is May 12th.
If you are registered to vote in VA, to get your absentee ballot, visit bit.ly/YourVAVoteMatters - If you need any help or have any questions, please let me know!
We have to continue to press to make sure we are taking #COVID19 seriously by keeping voters and staff safe and that as many people as possible exercise their right to vote. I hope moving forward, we will never ask our residents to have to make a choice between the two again.
I really do hope that everything works out and that every voter is able to stay safe, unlike what we have seen in other states. As we move forward though, please be careful not to mistake luck for leadership... especially not when it's your life that was used as the ante for the gamble.