Here are some events and activities I have attended since Session ended.
At the Virginia21 luncheon in Richmond with Hilton Farmer of CNU. He won Commonwealth Leader of the Year!
At my townhall with Del. Monty Mason who was on hand to help answer questions about legislation from the 2016 Legislative Session at New Beech Grove Baptist Church.
With Waymon Lewis of the Exet Center at the Winter Townhall. He came to help share information about the programs they offer.
With citizens that participated in "Office Hours in the District" in March at the Downing Gross Cultural Arts Center.
With a citizen that participated in "Office Hours in the District" in March at the Denbigh Community Center.
With Karen Joyner, CEO of the VA Peninsula Foodbank at a tour I took to learn about the programs they offer and their important work to help the food-insecure populations of 9 different cities and counties.
NN Sheriff Gabe Morgan received the 2016 100 Black Men Role Model of the Year award. He gave an awesome acceptance speech!
The cutest thank you sign from students at NASA Langley's Child Development Center for when I came to visit for Week of the Young Child
NN CRO Greathouse leading an epic hula hoop battle at the Easter Basket Giveawy hosted by Councilwoman Cherry
Everyone loved their Easter Baskets from Councilwoman Cherry's Easter Basket Giveaway for the Southeast Community
Attended the dedication of the new worship and community center for Restoration Christian Church in Denbigh. Pictured with Vice Mayor Coleman, Apostle Ammons, Pastor Ammons, and City Councilwoman Scott
Congressman Scott and I attended the reception to learn more about First Tee and their great work with the youth.
At the Eagle Scout ceremony, this young man was given an award for helping save lives. His courage and bravery are inspiring!
The City of Newport News, Southeast CARE Coalition, and the EPA teamed up to host a community dialogue on Equitable Development. Here's one of the slides from the presentation. The work is ongoing. Sign up to be a part of the conversation.
At the March Southeast Townhall held at the Downing Gross Cultural Arts Center, Councilwoman Cherry hosted NNPD Capt. Randall and School Board Member Ashby to discuss matters involving the community.
I gave remarks at the April membership meeting for Hampton Roads Pride as their "Partner in Pride". I discussed my journey to Richmond and gave updates from the 2016 Legislative Session.
Had fun at CNU for a VA21 panel discussion on "Women in Government". Pictured here with Alexsis Rodgers, Policy Director for Lt. Gov. Northam and Laura Bryant, VAYD Women's Caucus Chair
Spoke a panel about being "Women in Government" with Kathy Hieatt, Tucker Obenshain, and Alexsis Rodgers. The event was hosted by Virginia21 students at Christopher Newport University, and we are pictured with Chapter President Hilton Farmer.